B.A. Columbia University: Columbia College, New York, NY
M.Sc. London School of Economics & Political Science London, England
Postgraduate B.A. [Law]; M.A., [Law] Cambridge University: Magdalene College, Cambridge, England
J.D. University of San Francisco School of Law, San Francisco, CA
Bob was an Associate Dean and Adjunct Professor of Law at Golden Gate University School of Law from 2018 to 2020.
Bob was a Visiting Lecturer at UC Davis School of Law in Art Law (Spring 2017) and Entertainment Law (Spring 2019).
Bob served as Chief Learning Officer and Director of Legal Services for California Lawyers for the Arts for eight years, from 2010 to 2018. Bob managed CLA’s State Bar Certified Lawyer Referral Service, CLA’s Modest Means Incubator Program, CLA’s Clinical Programs, and CLA’s Educational Programs, as well as other duties. CLA is a nonprofit tax-exempt service organization founded in 1974 that provides lawyer referrals, dispute resolution services, educational programs, publications and a resource library to creative artists of all disciplines and arts organizations. CLA has members representing all arts disciplines, as well as attorneys, accountants, teachers and other friends of the organization. CLA represents the arts community when it speaks with legislators and other policy makers. CLA membership helps us to secure the grants that CLA obtains from public and private agencies to move their work forward. In addition, CLA members receive many benefits including affordable educational workshops and a free 1/2-hour consultation with Panel Attorneys. Bob teaches creative artists at many of the legal workshops in CLA’s educational programs and he joins with other CLA panel attorneys to provide creative artists throughout California and the Bay Area with affordable legal assistance.
For more information about CLA please visit: www.calawyersforthearts.org
Pimm's Publishing Services [P/PS Books] is a full-service book publishing consultancy. P/PS Books offers personal coaching throughout the entire book publishing experience, including assistance finding and negotiating with literary agents; understanding literary agency agreements; finding and negotiating with book publishers; understanding book publishing agreements; how and why to self-publish your book step-by-step; developmental editing; copy-editing; proofreading; interior book design; book cover design; book distribution; book marketing; and book PR. Visit the CONTACT page to book an appointment.
Bob was the Book Publishing Chair of the American Bar Association’s Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries for more than 15 years. He was also Editor-in-Chief of Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, the Forum’s quarterly publication, for 5 years. Bob has co-authored books, chapters, and numerous articles on legal and business aspects of the book publishing industry including articles about new technologies and the emerging e-book industry. Some examples of his articles include Protection Racket: Are Copyright Lawyers and their Clients Shaking Down the Public?, a chapter in Thomson-West’s Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts Handbook; Riding the Bullet to the eBook Revolution, a chapter in Thomson-West’s Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts Handbook; co-author of the first and second editions of Opening a Bookstore: The Essential Planning Guide.
Bob is a member of The State Bar of California, The American Bar Association, The Authors Guild, The Authors Alliance, The National Writers Union, California Lawyers for the Arts, ACES: The Society for Editing, and The Editorial Freelancers Association.
Listed below are some of the many topics taught by Mr. Pimm in workshops and panel discussions for The State Bar of California and other organizations, such as The California Writers Club, Left Coast Writers, California Lawyers for the Arts, etc.:
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